OFFICETWENTYFIVEARCHITECTS | Films & Architecture: “Metropolis”

Films & Architecture: “Metropolis”

Original Title: Metropolis
Year: 1927
Runtime: 120 min.
Country: Germany
Director: Fritz Lang
Writer: Thea von Harbou
Soundtrack: Berndt Heller, Otto Harzner, Frank Strobel
Photography Director: Karl Freund & Günther Rittau
Cast: Gustav Fröhlich, Brigitte Helm, Alfred Abel, Rudolf Klein-Rogge, Fritz Rasp, Theodor Loos, Heinrich George

Original Title: Metropolis
Year: 1927
Runtime: 120 min.
Country: Germany
Director: Fritz Lang
Writer: Thea von Harbou
Soundtrack: Berndt Heller, Otto Harzner, Frank Strobel
Photography Director: Karl Freund & Günther Rittau
Cast: Gustav Fröhlich, Brigitte Helm, Alfred Abel, Rudolf Klein-Rogge, Fritz Rasp, Theodor Loos, Heinrich George

We are going back to the times when technologies didn’t allow yet the sound or even color to be part of films. Metropolis, one of the classics by the German director Fritz Lang, is a film that shows a future where the city is structured in vertical layers according to the different social strata. Something that could be recognized in the current situation of several cities today… Do you know about any example? Do you think this will be the actual future pattern of our cities?

for more about history and plot read at: