London Quay by Boffa Miskell (BML)

Project Name: London Quay
Location: Picton Waterfront, New Zealand
Client: Marlborough District Council
Lead Design Consultant: Boffa Miskell (BML)
Project elements: town square, promenade, park, wharf, seating, terraces, mixed use, tourism, interpretation, car park, rain gardens
BML Roles: Consultation, Master planning, Evidence for Hearing, Design, Documentation, Site Observation
BML Project Leader: Michael Hawes
BML Team composition: Chris Punt +Nik Kneale +Steve Dunn, (landscape Architects) Marc Baily (Urban Planner)
Other key consultants: Abel Properties (PM and Civil Engineer), ARCL (PM +Engineer), Warren & Mahoney (Architect), Smart Alliances (Marine Engineer), Cosgroves (Electrical Engineer), Mark Herring Lighting (Lighting sub consultant)

Project Name: London Quay
Location: Picton Waterfront, New Zealand
Client: Marlborough District Council
Lead Design Consultant: Boffa Miskell (BML)
Project elements: town square, promenade, park, wharf, seating, terraces, mixed use, tourism, interpretation, car park, rain gardens
BML Roles: Consultation, Master planning, Evidence for Hearing, Design, Documentation, Site Observation
BML Project Leader: Michael Hawes
BML Team composition: Chris Punt +Nik Kneale +Steve Dunn, (landscape Architects) Marc Baily (Urban Planner)
Other key consultants: Abel Properties (PM and Civil Engineer), ARCL (PM +Engineer), Warren & Mahoney (Architect), Smart Alliances (Marine Engineer), Cosgroves (Electrical Engineer), Mark Herring Lighting (Lighting sub consultant)
Project Dates: December 2008 – February 2011
Budget: approx NZ$4m Landscape + Civil Works
Photos & text: BML

Picton with its population of only 4000 is remote from city pressures. But it needed a waterfront that provided a focus and heart for the town – a place that would also help it host the hundreds of thousands of ferry passengers that pass through the town every year. Changing uses of waterfront land presented the opportunity to look to the town’s historic and present social patterns – exploring how the community has adapted, changed and used its public space over time. These social patterns have informed the reclamation of a historically significant area of public realm, that over the history of the Sounds and Picton Waterfront has served visitors and inhabitants as a meeting place. The design elements of the project draw on the concept of looking out and coming ashore and their interaction or ‘meeting’ of these activities.