o25 in Bauhaus moode

BAUHAUS, 1919-933, Magdalena Droste

A lot more than just a school for Arts & Crafts, Staatliches Bauhaus with its theories became a concept.
By defining the so called “Bauhaus style”, the school has influenced most of the avant-garde architects who developed their practice during the twenties.
From Weimar Germany to an international level, Bauhaus left a great legacy of catalogues, design objects, buildings, educational data and artcrafts.
A piece of this collection, guarded today to the Bauhaus Archiv/Museum of Art, is presented in the book we have in this OFFICETWENTYFIVEARCHITECTS #Bookcase – which is one of our favorites.

ISBN: 3-8228-2105-5

BAUHAUS, 1919-933, Magdalena Droste

A lot more than just a school for Arts & Crafts, Staatliches Bauhaus with its theories became a concept.
By defining the so called “Bauhaus style”, the school has influenced most of the avant-garde architects who developed their practice during the twenties.
From Weimar Germany to an international level, Bauhaus left a great legacy of catalogues, design objects, buildings, educational data and artcrafts.
A piece of this collection, guarded today to the Bauhaus Archiv/Museum of Art, is presented in the book we have in this OFFICETWENTYFIVEARCHITECTS #Bookcase – which is one of our favorites.

ISBN: 3-8228-2105-5

” But proficiency in a craft is essential to every artist. Therein lies the prime source of creative imagination. Let us then create a new guild of craftsmen without the class distinctions that raise an arrogant barrier between craftsman and artist! ”

Walter Gropius, Program of the Staatliche Bauhaus in Weimar, 1919