Case Studu Houses
‘The Complete CSH Program, 1945-1966’ by Taschen
From times to times we like to dig into the big volume of ‘The Complete CSH Program, 1945-1966’ by Taschen, especially when it comes to residential architecture and design. The Case Study Houses were a unique example of modernism while they could combine aesthetics with the easy and cheap construction.
Out of this program, held by the famous Arts & Architecture Magazine, we have chosen the CSH #23 from the 1959 issue, by the architects Killingsworth, Brady @ Smith.
Extra Trivia: The CSH #22, also known as The Stahl House (by Pierre Koenig)is the most famous among the houses, as it has been extensively shooted for numerous fashion shoots, films, and advertising campaigns.
ISBN: 978-3-8228-6412-8